The Cornea Chronicle – Volume 1 Issue 3

This month, KeraLink International (KLI) proudly launched the Great Cornea Challenge and our new Cornea Technology Accelerator, which aim to combat corneal blindness in low- and middle-income countries.

Through the Great Cornea Challenge, innovators and entrepreneurs are invited to propose new solutions for preventing, detecting, and treating corneal blindness. Selected participants could receive up to $100,000 to fuel their work. In addition, selected participants will gain support from the Cornea Technology Accelerator. The Accelerator offers extensive business and technical support from KLI and its extensive network of industry partners. Entrepreneurs invited to participate in the Accelerator also will benefit from KLI’s new partnership with Ultralight Labs. Through this partnership, KLI’s Accelerator will offer advanced software designed to assist innovators who are developing medical devices with managing their documentation and compliance requirements.The Challenge and the Accelerator initiatives align with KLI’s commitment to affordable and sustainable eye care solutions and our strategic PEN approach (Prevention, Early detection, Novel therapies) to eradicating corneal blindness. These exciting new initiatives are supported by KLI’s generous donors, investors, and philanthropies. Our work can bring life-changing innovations to more than 12.7 million individuals who suffer from corneal blindness globally, as well as the millions more who are at risk on a daily basis of losing their eyesight due to corneal injury or infection.

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KeraLink International (KLI) is a forward-thinking non-profit, 501(c)3 organization singularly focused on bringing clinicians, technology innovators, health care providers, philanthropists, and investors into a coordinated, collaborative effort to eradicate corneal blindness in low- and middle income countries.

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Corneatopia: Eyes on the Future
The evening of November 16, 2024
Maryland Science Center in Baltimore